Goodbye to Bala
This week, we say goodbye to our very first alumni, Bala. We wish Bala all the best in his new post at NASA, and look forward to his future discoveries and success as a researcher!
This week, we say goodbye to our very first alumni, Bala. We wish Bala all the best in his new post at NASA, and look forward to his future discoveries and success as a researcher!
Professor Ong has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Computational Materials Science. The goal of Computational Materials Science is to report on results that provide new insights into, or significantly expand our understanding of, the properties of materials or phenomena associated with their design, synthesis, processing, characterization, and utilization. All aspects of modern materials modeling are of interest, including quantum chemical methods, density functional theory (DFT), semi-empirical and classical approaches, statistical mechanics, atomic-scale simulations, mesoscale modeling, and phase-field techniques.
Zhuoying’s first author paper on “Li3Y(PS4)2 and Li5PS4Cl2, New Lithium Superionic Conductors Predicted from Silver Thiophosphates using Efficiently Tiered Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations” has just been published in Chemistry of Materials (Special Issue on High-Throughput Functional Materials Discovery). In this work, we propose two new lithium superionic conductors, Li3Y(PS4)2 and Li5PS4Cl2, that are predicted to have excellent ionic conductivity and potentially better stability at the interfaces compared to current state-of-the-art superionic conductors. We welcome experimental researchers to attempt synthesis of these compounds and validation of our predictions!
2016 is coming to a close. Before some of you leave for the holidays, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. This year, I have decided to start a new tradition – the year-end message. It has been a great year for the Materials Virtual Lab. We have come a long way since our founding a little over three years ago, and I believe we have now firmly established ourselves as one of the up-and-coming computational materials research groups in the world. We will end 2016 on a high note with a little over 20 publications in highly respected journals. Funding is at a very healthy level for a group of our age, and we are now a dynamic family of three postdoctoral associates, ten graduate students and three undergraduates. Two of our earliest members (Zhi and Paul) have completed their Senate Exams, and another two (Chen, Zhenbin and Zhuoying) have completed their Literature Review Exams. We welcomed three new group members (Chi, Hui and Zhuonan), and one new-old group member (Richard) in Fall 2016. We will also soon say goodbye to Bala, who has found an excellent opportunity in NASA. We wish him all the best […]
We congratulate one of our earliest group members, Paul Yuh-Chieh Lin, on passing his Senate Exam today!
We are seeking to fill one postdoctoral position. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to lead exciting projects that integrate advanced first principles methods, information technology and experiments (through external collaborations) to develop novel materials in energy storage and solid-state lighting. They will also receive mentoring to prepare them for future careers in academia or industry, including project management skills, proposal writing and effective scientific communication. More information can be found at The ideal candidate should demonstrate creativity, passion for scientific inquiry, and an ability to link fundamental science to real-world applications. The ideal candidate will also have: An advanced degree in materials science and/or solid-state physics. Experience with first principles methods, such as density functional theory (DFT), ab initio molecular dynamics, density functional perturbation theory or GW. Programming skills, preferably with experience in sustainable software development for robust widely used code bases. Interested applicants should send the following materials to A cover letter of no more than one page summarizing their research accomplishments and interests Curriculum vitae (Optional, but recommended) Samples of scientific codes they have written, either as a web link to a publicly accessible software repository or an email attachment.
Our work on “Elucidating Structure–Composition–Property Relationships of the β-SiAlON:Eu2+ Phosphor” has been published in Chemistry of Materials. Using first-principles calculations, we identified and confirmed various chemical rules for Si−Al, O−N, and Eu activator ordering in β-SiAlON, one of the most promising narrow-band green phosphors for high-power light-emitting diodes and liquid crystal display backlighting with wide color gamut. Through the construction of energetically favorable models based on these chemical rules, we studied the effect of oxygen content and Eu2+ activator concentrations on the local EuN9 activator environment, and its impact on important photoluminescence properties such as emission peak position (using the band gap as a proxy), bandwidth, and thermal quenching resistance. Based on these insights, we discuss potential strategies for further composition optimization of β-SiAlON.
Prof Ong is a co-author on a recent article in Science Advances on the thermodynamic scale of inorganic crystalline metastability. This article uses the Materials Project, its API and pymatgen to perform a large-scale data-mining study of the thermodynamic scale of metastability for 29,902 observed inorganic crystalline phases. Press release is available on EurekAlert.
Professor Ong gave a talk on careers in STEM to 5th grade students from Hamilton Elementary at the Ocean Discovery Institute last Fri (Oct 14, 2016). He also worked with on building remotely operated vehicles. Check out the pictures below!
In collaboration with the Laboratory of Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC), we have developed a room-temperature all-solid-state rechargeable sodium-ion battery utilizing a novel Cl-doped Na3PS4 superionic conductor. The Cl-doped tetragonal Na3PS4 solid electrolyte exhibits room-temperature Na+ conductivity exceeding 1 mS/cm, and an all-solid-state TiS2/t-Na3−xPS4−xClx/Na cell utilizing this solid electrolyte can be cycled at room-temperature at a rate of C/10 with a capacity of about 80 mAh/g over 10 cycles. We show that this excellent electrochemical performance is not only due to the high Na+ conductivity of the solid electrolyte, but also due to the effect that “salting” Na3PS4 has on the formation of an electronically insulating, ionically conducting solid electrolyte interphase. This work is published in Scientific Reports. The co-first authors are Iek-Heng Chu (MAVRL), Christopher S. Kompella (LESC) and Han Nguyen (LESC), and the corresponding authors are Professors Shirley Meng and Shyue Ping Ong.
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